Sofi Filtration's 2018 Year in Review

We had an amazing 2018 full with new opportunities to grow. But before we highlight some of the things that made 2018 special, we would like to express gratitude to our employees, our business and government partners as well as customers for their contribution to our success. Thank you!

Here are just a few highlights from 2018 that we are proud of

  • Our efforts in the Unites States were rewarded. Several pilots in the Oil and Gas industry resulted in a commercial breakthrough.

  • We took Sofi Filter to the sea and got positive results. After several successful trials we managed to close our first deals in the marine industry.

  • We delivered a major Sofi Filter system to a power plant in Finland. In this particular case, our solution recovers both water and energy from the waste water.

2019 is set to be an amazing year for Sofi Filtration! We cannot wait to share our success with you as it happens.

If you think our technology can help you with your industrial liquid filtration needs, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Here are some images that best capture our amazing year